• SideSmash wrote his opinion about Super Mario Bros. 3
    10 years ago
    I don't think I've ever seen a game so loved by so many people. I enjoy it, sure, but I've never understood what made it so god damn remarkable. Yes, the platforming is excellent, the visuals are superb, the level design is top-notch and the music is memorable, but the BEST Mario game? I'll kindly disagree with that declaration. While I've been praising the game so far in this description (that's meta), I believe that to be called "the best Mario game" needs to be not only near perfect, but have moments that stick out every time you play it. Yeah, the giant world was really cool, but there just aren't enough "DAMN!" moments for me to call this the best. A really good game? Yes, but that's really all it is in my opinion.
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