• 5 years ago
    Did some snooping through the old forum posts. No matter what happens to this place, this is the Favslist I will remember :)

    There exists a land that is found on no map,
    founded by travellers who followed a great man called Pape.
    A land of full of scribes, nerds and list-writers,
    of civil servants, of actors and ex-MMA fighters.
    Our story takes place in a large oaken hall, in a place of decorum.
    A sign ouside states "No turning back now! Now entering the Forum"
    On an old wooden throne sits the shortest man I have seen:
    Lord Nod, born of Hull and from the house Green.
    All around him, his fellows are alive with commotion,
    while Nod sat there bored sipping his ASDA branded chocolate potion.
    With a great mighty sigh and his head in his hands,
    he dismayed at the ruckus in this great hall of Favsland.

    A sweep of the room reveals a great many guests,
    laughing and shouting and taking personality tests.
    Of multiple creeds and from all across the world,
    but still Nod sat alone, his brow now furrowed.
    The Frenchman and German discussed literature, books and good writing,
    tales of Batman, tales of Robin and their brand of crime-fighting.
    In charge of music there was Crash, a Portugese fellow,
    "Should we have Industrial? Maybe rock? Or something more mellow?"
    Explojin showed off pictures, Leya taught Japanese to Whitesnake
    while the others all chatted about the new FF7 remake.

    Ben spoke about movies, Ulty his games,
    Pedro was outside trying to keep the whole place from burning in flames.
    There was Will, a nice kid, with his love for that show "Arrow"
    From the U.K there was Richard the Pale, conqueror of Mt. Kilimanjaro
    And a Wolf they called Retro, a lover of all things anime.
    Behind them was Erektionsite, who just loves "Two Best Friends Play"
    At the table beside Nod's kinsman the Brits,
    sat Axersia, who annoyed Gries with his pic of a pig with big ....
    There was Caffeine, there was Chem and there was Bob from 'Down Under'.
    Behind the maps and historical texts, sat Sudertum "That's Suder, not Sunder"
    There was Husky, and Not, and Free Fall as well,
    Djinn and Doubleagent, also Big Boss and Frederica Bernkastel.
    And others besides, too many to list
    (I expect a good review from all those who's butts I just kissed)
    Amongst them all sat a chair sitting vacant, it's owner was gone,
    on it read a note "Back in 5mins, see you then, Firion"
    At the end of the room, stood Rockshard P.H.D,
    detailing his 5 step plan to set up his A.C.
    By the wall was Silent Gamer, a misnomer for sure,
    on a quest to find games, be they mainstream or obscure.
    On his back was a mountain of games that reached to the ceiling,
    the weight forcing him down to the point that he was kneeling.
    "These games are too heavy and my legs have gone to sleep!",
    he says while buying more games and adding them onto the heap.

    Nod was now restless and stood up from his chair,
    his face so red, it now matched his hair.
    "I need saved from this racket, this noise, this din,
    I am tired of this talk, my head is starting to spin."
    "I need a remedy, a solution, I need a cure, I need aid"
    But no one was listening, they just partied and played.
    "Hmm, who does one call when something feels wrong?
    You! Fetch a Doctor and don't be gone long"
    The servant ran off to do as he was bid
    "At last! Of this rabble, I will finally be rid"

    The door swung open and the Doctor stood there,
    everyone's heads swivelled round and they started to stare.
    "I was told, mighty lord, that you are in need of my aid?"
    Lord Nod was ecstatic, his problems may soon, all be allayed.
    The doctor continued "I am Egg, friend of equines and champion of triple posts!
    I assure you, I can help, these are not empty boasts."

    Within no time, the two came up with a solution
    the both shared a smile and began the plans execution.
    They went from table to table, from group to group
    They derailed each conversation and threw them for a loop.
    Before long everyone had all left, as the talk was now dull.
    The only chatter came from the Egg and the Lord Nod from Hull.
    They talked all through the night until the sun started to climb,
    "So tomorrow good Doctor? Same place and same time?"
    "Of course, this was fun and the hall is once again yours"
    "Yes, thanks to you The Forum is free of those godawful boors"
    They stepped outside and parted ways,
    as Favsland was greeted by the sun's morning rays.

    In the back of the hall, there came a sound,
    from far underneath a great gaming mound.
    The cases went flying and a beard popped out,
    "I'm finally free!" Silent said with a shout.
    From the pile he emerged, nearly crushed and half-dead.
    "Screw this, they're too heavy. I'll just watch movies instead"
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … So this place was like a Redwall book as told by Dr. Seuss?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Ah, good times.
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    • MarconeAntelius
      Editing … Read the whole thing and I'm not mentioned. Man, sorry I never did a lot to interact with all of you.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Were we even friends when I wrote this? It was nearly 3 years ago
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I feel like we should have a Facebook style "friendversary" thing so we know how ling we've all interacted.
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