• 6 years ago
    Believe the hype on this one, it really is that good! I'm about 12-15 hours in, and so far I'm loving basically every second of it, aside from a couple slightly annoying puzzles. Combat is incredibly intense, a bit tighter than in past games but movements and attacks have a ton of weight to them, and it constantly makes you stay on your toes, even on normal difficulty. The plot has been excellent so far, though I'm still not too far into it, but there's been a few big moments as well as a ton of nice little conversations between Kratos and Atreus. I think what I most love about it, though, is how it's still a largely story driven and linear game, but it opens up just enough to allow for some exploration and side content, without getting overwhelming or getting to the point where every side area feels the exact same, like in many modern open world games. So far, it's the first game that's gotten me excited this year, and unless something goes terribly wrong later on, it could become my favorite in the series.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Noooo, I don't wanna buy it!!! Why must it be so flawless XD
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … It ended up being a 9.510 for me overall. I loved every aspect of the gameplay and most scenes between Kratos and Atreus, but the overall plot didn't do too much for me, and without spoilers, I wasn't terribly impressed by the last boss. Still an amazing game overall, though, but not the sure fire GOTY people are making it out to be, at least not in a good year, though with how weak 2018 has been so far, it has a good chance of being my GOTY.
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