• 6 years ago
    An unoriginal zombie film without style nor substance, yet being praised for all three qualities. I'm not sure what it is with critics eating up the most obviously bait techniques. The best symbolism is the post-credits parrot, a metaphor for the director's attempt at style.
    Its characters behave ridiculously. There are several moments throughout the film where a human and a zombie will just stare each other in the face, neither acting with any motive to defend or attack. It's just, ya know, artsy that way. The shots were often intentionally focused on nothing, which, ya know, is just artsy woah. That's also why every single zombie stands still before its prey is alerted to its presence. Give 'em a head start, don't make it too hard for 'em, maybe it's artsy this way too.
    I've seen many critics praise it for its originality, but that's really because film critics that aren't me are almost all just dumb. Zombies having vague memories of their past behaviors, the muted look at the zombie apocalypse, even the vogue avent garde shooting have all been done several times over in indie zombie films. I've never seen all three put together with so little effort to sell the actual premise of the movie, though. I'm really quite baffled that even aspects like the zombies crying out to get the attention of other infected is being praised as an original trick--what year is this?
    An empty, useless, and incredibly lazy film.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Dude, the zombies actually SCREAMED to get the attention of other zombies--wait, that's ACTUALLY being cited as an original part of the film? I mean, so far as I've read from several reviews, every single aspect that's being praised as fresh or original is a complete zombie trope. Is this a prank? Am I being pranked? Is this pranks?
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Critics have been pranking people for years. Since the advent of internet blogs.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Deleted by himself
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I swear, there's no living film critic I hold any respect for. Film critics are so bad at naming anything they enjoyed or disliked about a film, pointing to vagueries that they've heard past critics recite with more detail. Film criticism is a form of academia when not sullied by these wannabes, but I've never learned of any sort of English academia that didn't put clarity first.Spoilerline breakWanna hear an unpopular opinion? YouTube film critics are some of the worst. They're the most wannabe. There are exceptions--there always are--but even some of the most popular YouTube "critics" are seemingly incapable of ever actually criticizing any film they dislike, resorting to nothing but jokes and non sequitors. Where they fare best is when giving humorous commentaries over 20-minute edits of obviously bad films like Cool Cat and Foodfight.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … I liked Siskel & Ebert, but I think I just watched it to see their faces. They reminded me of that duo from Dumb & Dumber.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Ebert is an example of film criticism as a form of academia. He actually knew what the fuck he was writing about. Now when I read, watch, or listen to a review, all I find is someone unable to piece together a continuous thought.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … I still loved how inseparable they were. BFF. I cried while watching the last few interviews of Ebert.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Nearly cried at #Life Itself.
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    • Splatterhouse 5
      Splatterhouse 5
      Editing … Hehe...now I want to watch it to see if I agree with you. I probably will.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … The movie has nothing to do with my take on critics as a whole, but it sure does express why I like Roger Ebert.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … OH you mean Ravenous. Yeah okay yeah. Even if I didn't know anything about your taste, your name alone says "I am experienced with the horror genre," so I doubt you'd find anything new here.
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