• 6 years ago
    2018 - Week 4 (Jan 22nd - Jan 28th)

    Another week of limited game time.

    Played some more Mass Effect. Wandered around the Nexus (Andromeda's equivalent to the Citadel) doing sidequests for an hour before the PS4 turned into a jet engine. A Google search reveals this as a common issue with the game, so yet another reason the PS4 has been a disappointment :/

    Been on a bit of a superhero kick lately, ao decided to try Batman: Telltale Series. I enjoy these quick-time games (a la Fahrenheit, Beyond: Two Souls). I only played about half an hour, but I am intrigued to see how my choices impact the story. I'll stick with this one through February :)

    I'm still working my way through my backlog of gaming podcasts too. I'm now caught up to the release of Prey. Slow progress, yea, but progress nonetheless.

    Games I'm thinking about:

    Assassin's Creed Origins has been on my mind a lot lately. I really want to try it, but alas my goal of not buying games prevents it. More than that, i've been wanting to play ACIII again. Final Fantasy XV is calling to me, as are RPG's in general. Especially an open-world RPG. I heard God of War (Dad of War) has a release date, but it's long playtime and new style is turning me off. I have enough long games on my backlog to last me years. Had another look at my top 100 game list and remain fairly confident that it is full of solid choices. The fact I wanted to replay them all just reading through it proves that.

    Games Played: 2
    Games Completed: 0
    Games Added: 0
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