• 6 years ago
    My interest in spending additional money and time on star wars expanded universe content sank to an all time low after the release of episode 8. Nothing matters anymore; everything became a joke. Why should I care anymore?
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Star Wars used to be the pinnacle of what a franchise could be, it was what other escapist fiction reached to become. When people say "cinematic universe," we interpret more than just "series" or "franchise," right? Examples of "cinematic universes" release a film every year, then start with two a year, now our biggest CUs are at three a year. The quality can be hit or miss. ... That gives me a thought, but I won't go off topic yet. Star Wars has basically become one of these cinematic universes, right? We're on annual entries right now, but we'll be entering two a year soon enough, probably 2020 or 2021, I'd be surprised if it were any later or earlier. The excitement for each new entry's waning now--we aren't waiting two-three years for a massive entry in a trilogy anymore, we're waiting two years for new entries in the miniseries that takes place in the overall franchise for which we have to wait even less for even more entries. Star Wars has been devalued, and with this, the idea of putting care into each entry will become devalued too.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … On that idea of hit or miss cinematic universe entries: am I wrong, or are the the best ones usually the ones that are most separated from the universe? Like Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Logan, Deadpool, Wonder Woman (ya know, set... almost a hundred years in the past). Entries that mostly don't feel as if they're building up to the next crossover, and are fine just telling their own story. There are exceptions though, both in the sense of quality entries that were very much tied in (First Class babyy), and also in disconnected titles that still couldn't escape the shit (Suicide Squad).
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … oh but First Class was before the whole "let's follow this cinematic universe idea" wasn't it
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    • free fall
      free fall
      Editing … Go back and read the old comics and books, you know the ones the fandom have decided are canon again. There is a lot of good stuff back there!
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … When the EU was decanonized, the greatest loss for me was everything with the word "Tales" :(. Tales from Jabba's Palace, Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, "Star Wars Tales" (which had a four-chapter story about one of Star Wars' all-time best characters, #Darca Nyl). Those were q u a l i t y and they cared about being a part of that galaxy far, far away.
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