• 6 years ago
    I haven't finished reading this (halfway throught it right now), but I'm really liking how it's somewhat realistic. The band Beck don't get to be famous just because they're good. They know connections that help them get famous including being friends with one of the biggest bands on America, a big shot guy in a big label and a woman that organizes festivals.
    Also, for example, they bet they can get more people in their stage than any other in one festival, which includes them, at the time no-names, a famous rapper and the biggest Japanese band then. They barelly manage to get the same as the Japanese band, but it's not because they were "OMG SO GOOD AND THEY BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF MUSIC AND SHIT!".
    The other stages got technical problems because of the rain which made the rapper quit and the Japanese band was forced to show Beck's concert for a bit, and upon returning they had an actor with mediocre singing as the guest vocalist which made some people move. And even then they barelly tied up.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … So what you're saying is that Beck is a shitty artist?
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … I'm saying that the manga represents well the fact that things won't be easy and great just because you're good and you beliebe
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