• 6 years ago
    Arghhh! I'm such a slave to physical media! Why did I just buy a physical English Vita copy of FFX-2 when I only picked up and beat the PS4 version two months ago?! I wasn't even looking for it. It just caught the corner of my eye.

    But it was only 32 dollars with free shipping! As soon as this seller runs out, you can probably flip it for double as it's quite hard to come by (unless you live in Hong Kong/Singapore/Malaysia, in which case it might be easier). There's only 2 left. Get it while it's hot:

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    • Aramonde
      Editing … FFX-2 is on Vita? Also physical media>>>>>>Digital media
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    • Axersia
      Editing … Yeah, both FFX and FFX-2 were released on Vita alongside the PS3 in 2013. The catch? They didn't think FFX-2 was important enough, so they included it as a download code in the west. This meant you weren't able to play it with the default 4GB card included with the Vita at the time, so I never bought it. But in Asia things are different. Lots of games that were download-only in the west received physical releases over there (Oreshika and Digimon Cyber Sleuth come to mind), and sometimes you even get English releases of games that never came to the west at all (Dead or Alive Xtreme 3). Anyway, I probably won't even unseal this any time soon, but it'll be nice being able to pop in that cartridge 20 years down the line and just play the game.
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    • DjinnFighter
      Editing … Yep it sucks. I bought a used copy of FFX/FFX2 on vita a couple of years ago. Then I learned that FFX2 was just a code, and it was already used by the previous owner. So, basically, I just bought FFX..
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    • Ulty
      Editing … The real question here is why would anyone in their right mind spend money on these two pieces of shit?
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … Deleted by himself
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … Jrpg fans will like anything and they are to blame to why we can't have nice things. In their twisted mind good games are against the law or something. I tried to play Monster Hunter and Gods Eater Burst, they make you wait a full minute before you can start the next quest. You literally have to walk around for a minute. I thought random battles were bad. It's starting to look like no aspect of these games are supposed to make sense. I don't see Namco putting the wait mechanic (everything qualifies as a game mechanic now, put dog shit in the game case, that's a "mechanic" - don't like it? That's like your opinion man) in their other games, but God Eater is a Monster Hunter ripoff and Monster Hunter had it so obviously God's Eater has it too. Duh! ... It's utterly surreal. Could this all be the product an "obedience driven culture?" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JVqMAlgAnlo
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