• MasterCrash wrote his opinion about Genetic Failure
    6 years ago
    #Genetic Failure is an electronic album by @Waluigifan ! that seems to delve into the noise spectrum of things, maybe even some Industrial, purposefully or not. At first I wanted to go song by song, but then I realized I would just repeat myself so fuck it, here's the review:
    Social Reject and Subhuman Trash work perfectly as the first and last songs of the album, Social Reject introduces you to most elements that you will see through the album, the slow, dark, engulfing melody and the violent beats over it, producing an, for the most part, aggressive album. The second track, Genetic Failure is one of my favorite songs of the album, in a way it seems like the first beat, a japanesy feeling one, is running from a second one and in the end it ends up being consumed.
    Then, after I Am Degenerating At An Accelerated Rate, a decent song by itself, comes Should Have Never Seen The Light Of the Day and Source of Happiness is Fictional. Personally these two songs are the low point of the album, the first is super repetitive, and despite being the shortest song on the album, it feels so much longer, the second has a really annoying beat, sometimes it leaves, but then it comes back to haunt you again.
    Thankfully after that we have Glimmer of Hope and Short, probably the most relaxing of the album, although aggressive and dark in their own ways nonetheless.
    Hideous Creature, the first track of the second half picks things right up and is the best of the album, IMO, this frenetic track sounds really good and it feels right out of a horror movie or game. Gene Lottery ends up following this feel with a twisted rave like song.
    After Gross He and Midnight Session we have Born Loser, the less dark track of the album, and after Eternal Suffering, the album ends with Subhuman Trash, a track that incorporates the aggressiveness of the rest of the album over a slow piano, and it's long after aggressiveness, and later, the piano, has faded that the album ends, in the darkness of silence.
    Honestly, I liked this album, not all songs are great, but, out of the 14 songs, I disliked 2, which is a good ratio. And with songs like #Genetic Failure, #Glimmer of Hope and #Hideous Creature, WaluigiFan shows real potential here.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Oh, forgot to mention, I really though that #Glimmer of Hope could use without the ending sample, it sounds like a song that should just end, but that's my opinion.
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    • LizardTaro
      Editing … Thank you so much for that detailed review. :D "Should Have Never Seen The Light Of the Day" had lyrics but I removed them, so that's probably why it sounds so repetitive. I really didn't put much effort into that song, it only took me like 5 minutes. If you like my style of music then you should definitely check out my other albums on the Internet archive: https://archive.org/details/@waluigifan I also had a website called wfmusic.zxq.net but it's defunct because the server went down a few years ago. My music is also on YouTube (youtube.com/wdewfmusic) but I also pretty much abandoned that channel and my latest albums aren't there.
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