• 7 years ago
    About halfway or more through on Survivor. A lot of the parts I was scared of I only died once on. Then when it got to where you're escaping with the black guys around that spotlight, I died a bunch of times, and I wasn't worried about that part at all! I think I missed the first opportunity to get the shorty. Maybe because of that, I died a bunch of times in the part of the sewers with all the fast enemies in the big room, that's what I thought all of Survivor would be like but most of it isn't that bad, just really tense. Then at the part at the very end of the sewers where they all rush at you I didn't die at all, just took me a bomb, two molotovs, a couple swings with a pipe, and a few shorty blasts. That part is way easier now that I know to stick close to the door. I remember my first time on Normal I died on that many a time because I didn't know that if you stick to the door it'll automatically end pretty quick. Moving up the difficulty levels is fun because some parts get easier due to increased experience and other parts get harder due to fewer supplies/no listen mode.

    Moving it up from my 38th to 32nd favorite game. Could go up more. I think Survivor mode is actually more fun. I prefer the game without listen mode. I could see myself going to a lower difficulty later but still not using it.
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … Now in Fall. I think it might be the easiest part of the game. Got through the dam like it was nothing. Past Summer, Winter is the only part that scares me. Winter's the most frustrating, you can't prepare for it. Fall and Spring are easy and pleasant.
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