• 7 years ago
    Got to spend a couple days with the beta, and it's very obviously multiplayer focused (I've heard the only reason to play the campaign is so you can learn to play better in multi) so that's a bit disappointing for me personally but the multiplayer is interesting. It felt almost like Smite + Dark Souls, and I can definitely see it gathering a nice dedicated fanbase even if I've been turned off a bit by it being so multiplayer focused.

    I'm hoping the beta didn't have all the maps and game modes available if it did it definitely lacking there but there seems to be a good bit of customization and options for equipping and upgrading various characters plus with it being a beta and with upgrades and additions to surely come throughout the games lifespan it doesn't initially seem to suffer from the extreme lack of content many multiplayer games have been recently suffering from.

    It may not get amazing reviews or sell a ridiculous amount of copies but I think Ubi has another solid multiplayer title under their belt especially seeing what they've been able to do with Rainbow Six Siege and The Division after really rough launches from both.
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