• 7 years ago
    I got hella lucky. The traveling merchant was selling a woodskip. That was one of the two fish I needed for the community center, now I don't have to feel bad about reading that spoiler cause it ended up not helping me. Just one fish left, I think it'll be in the ocean in Fall, unless it likes Spring or Summer rainy days. It hasn't rained in weeks, which is weird.

    At first I found the characters one note and bland. Now I'm impressed by how many scenes there are. Sometimes there will be a variation of a character portrait done for just one little scene. The attention to detail is crazy for a game made by just one guy.

    In other news, octopus are just as tough to catch as a legendary.

    I got 11 hardwood on one trip to the dungeon, and the next few trips I got nothing. Crazy. Just need 29 more. I might've gotten that many today. I played a lot. It's still pretty unbalanced how rare hardwood is.

    Only a few people who don't have their hearts completely maxed out. Technically I don't have to friend any more, cause I have every recipe, but I'm so close I might as well get them all maxed out. I like how even Haley gets some character development.

    Edit: Oh yeah, and I made it to the boss in the arcade game. It's much easier to play with a controller. I'm impressed Kyle beat it without one.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … Don't you find it annoying that hearts decrease over time?
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … That hasn't happened to me, or if it has I didn't notice. All my maxed hearts are still maxed and everyone else I'm frequently paying attention too.
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