• Pudding wrote his opinion about The Order: 1886
    7 years ago
    The Order: 1886 has some serious issues and most can be assigned to poor game directing of the project. Art direction is essentially flawless. However, gameplay is anything but. All ideas that form it are sound, but their execution is mostly at the stage of a highly polished prototype, while their gelling is basically non-existent at the beginning of the game. As the game moves on, it does get a helluva lot better and in the end shows great potential for a franchise.
    Pros: Astonishing visuals and art direction, excellent voice acting, great atmosphere, good writing and characters, superb universe, great story (once it gets going), attention to detail is jaw dropping, varied gameplay, solid shooting, undeniable ambition, a slew of great ideas...
    Cons: ...that are not fully realized or well implemented and never quite gel properly, horrible pacing at the beginning both in terms of story and gameplay, poorly designed shootouts, mini boss battles all play out the same (and are poorly designed), piss poor AI
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