• 7 years ago
    Thirteen hours in and still in Fall. Am I actually taking LONGER to beat it the second time? I'm definitely finding more collectibles. I have almost as many collectibles as I got in my entire last playthrough and there's still Winter and Spring left. I kinda sped through some areas the first time because I wanted to have it beaten and because I generally had enough supplies. That's the main difference between Normal and Hard, Normal floods you with supplies.

    There was a huge gap between when I started the game the first game and when I got deep into it, and they take so long to go from SUMMER to FALL that when they flashed FALL I kinda laughed cause I'd forgotten that was a thing.

    I don't care about most of the Joel collectibles. Increased max health is okay, it would be better if health kits operated on a percentage of your health. Listen mode distance is the good one. Crafting and healing speed I could care less about. Weapon sway's not as important as in a laser sight game like RE4. I thought the defensive shiv thing on clickers would be great until I realized it doesn't kill them. Often I'd rather die than waste a shiv since the game is so generous with checkpoints. That's one reason why the game is so addictive. There's never that moment of "Oh, I have to do ALL this again." I played it for a bunch of hours both Tuesday and Thursday.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Glad to see someone else who enjoys it for it's gameplay. I feel like too many people bashed the "game" itself while praising the world-building and characters.
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … Pffft world building. It's just zombies. That's the pleab reason to like it. Bringing survival horror into the 2010s is the cool reason to like The Last of Us.
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