• 7 years ago
    This game's Normal mode should be its hard mode.

    The retry system should only apply to checkpoints. There's no reason to make you sit through the death scene and then go back to the main menu and load, especially since there's only saves between floors, not at the start of the first one.

    X should never make you fall. That should only be circle. X means get up.

    It should not be so easy to accidentally push a block instead of pulling it.

    Even with all that different, I dunno how jazzed I'd be about the gameplay. It's just trial and error. Once you know it you know it, so I imagine there'd be no replay value. I'd be happy with puzzle games just not being a thing.

    I'm still happy I tried it though. It's very weird and intense and I like the graphics and scenes. If it was the same story but a genre I liked, maybe it could've been a favorite of mine. The way it does text messages is brilliant. More story focused games should do stuff like that.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Nice review. My feelings are pretty much the same as yours. At least when you finish it, they give you a "story mode" without the puzzles if you ever felt the need to revisit the plot.
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