• 7 years ago
    Just beat the main campaign.
    I started with keyboard & mouse, but found the camera controls to be sub-par. Then I switched to the Steam Controller. Played better that way.
    Overall, most of the camera issues don't come from the control method, so much as that the game is trying to both control my camera on its own, as well as allow me to move it myself. Gets really annoying.

    I sucked at parrying, but was great at dodging, so used that up until Sam, where somehow--BAM, mastered parrying. Great! From that point on, parrying seemed like a requirement! Before then, dodging worked in every situation, as it grants you invincibility frames.
    In most games, I'm excellent at blocking and dodging. Not sure what it is about the timing in this one that threw me off, 'cuz now that I've learned it, it's just muscle memory.

    Precise aiming in blade mode was not great with a Steam Controller, as it seemed that Raiden would attack once the "right stick" is released. In this case, that simply meant not moving my thumb, so unless I was in constant motion, he'd attack. This made the last boss fight nearly impossible... so I placed down my controller and used my keyboard & mouse every time I had to slice at the rubble 8-)
    Lucky the game allowed for a seamless transition like that, no need to open any menus.

    Overall, the game is very easy, even though I never felt that I was "good" at it. It's okay. I can't imagine ever replaying it. I'd be up for a sequel though, if it delivered enough improvements.
    Not marking as an opinion because these are just my initial thoughts after beating.
    I'll play the DLC soon enough.
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    • Retro Wolf
      Retro Wolf
      Editing … What difficulty did you play it on? Theres a better sense of challenge on very hard and revengeance mode. Normal and hard are a cakewalk.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … 'twas normal
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