• Husky Wing wrote his opinion about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    7 years ago
    For me, Skyrim is so much more than a simple game.

    In 2011, I was not a big gamer. I owned a DS, a 3DS, and a PSP. I'd never owned a console before, but I watched a few gaming channels on YouTube, thinking "yea, someday I'll own a TV and a console." My Vista laptop, which, at the time, was only a week away from its deathbed (and somehow STILL IS WHAT THE FUCK), was incapable of running any game, it can't even run HD video without dying.
    I caught some footage of E3 2011, mostly due to retro gaming channels I watched. I remember Prey 2 being especially alluring, but I don't think I saw any of Skyrim until later.
    Online, people wouldn't shut up about this "Skyrim" game. Eventually, in mid/late 2011, I gave the trailer a watch...

    Fuck me this looks insane.
    This is it. What's the popular console? Xbox 360. Right. Although... I do need a new computer... and hey, I'm sure a computer costs less than a 360 + a TV. TVs are big, they MUST be expensive!
    Dropped $600 on a PC + monitor in December 2011, asking Mr. Best Buy Man specifically for a computer meeting my list of poorly written out requirements, found on the GameStop website.
    Goddamned lucky I accidentally made the right decision.
    Grabbed Skyrim for $50 on Friday the 13th, January 2012.
    Discovered I needed "Steam" to play this game. This was fine.
    Game installed. The opening... huh. I feel like I should be in a cart, instead I am seeing floating people and blue triangles. I will contact the developers.
    Ah, I need to change my... audio settings? Well, that's an odd fix.
    Huh, shouldn't they be chopping his head off? One last email... oh, autosaving? Alright.
    I AM IN
    And it BLOWS ME AWAY
    I am immersed in a full new, amazingly beautiful world! This is not Pokemon, or isometric Zelda! No, I AM that character! I mean, I'm seeing through his eyes! I can do whatever I want! I can PLAY however I want! Right from the start I fucked off and ignored Ralof or whoever that Stormcloak was, I just wanted to explore! Wow, what a huge map! There's so much to do, so many options, and they all feel like natural elements of this fantasy world, not just an item on an endless checklist of things to do, like so many game's side activities are. To date, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is still the most immersive game I've ever played, as well as the most expensive.
    And it's not in the slightest bit of an exaggeration to say that Skyrim actually changed my life. I play on more than just a portable system, and life is a lot more enjoyable with a sick gaming PC. I'm here on Favslist, where I've made many of my closest friends.

    Right inside that beautiful retail box I found a sleeve containing an ad for "Dishonored." Hmm, never heard of it, but what's this on the other side? Huh... Prey 2... I remember that...
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