Magnifying glass User Average Score

6.0 Not bad
Rated by 1 person
  • Erektionsite wrote his opinion about The Black Cat (1934)
    8 years ago
    Horror Movie #16/101

    Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff square off for the first time and.... It's alright..

    The constant duel between Lugosi and Karloff is really the only reason to watch this film. Everything else seems to come in second, the story is barely anything of note and the rest of the cast is painfully dull but luckily the feud between the horror icons is pretty damn good. Both Lugosi and Karloff get to show of their skills as actors as they both drop the monster schtick here to play characters that are more grounded in reality. The final showdown between the two is almost reminiscent of a silent film, as they duke it out in a largely wordless fist fight in a macabre torture chamber. Interestingly enough the film has nothing to do with the Edgar Allen Poe story of the same name, but this doesn't stop Poe from being listed in the credits.
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Created 2014-01-19 12:23 pm
Page creator Michael Z
Views 243
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