Magnifying glass User Average Score

3.0 Bad
Rated by 1 person
  • Not Important wrote his opinion about Foolish Wives
    8 years ago
    Movie #17/1177
    #Foolish Wives
    I disliked Foolish Wives. In my opinion, it's plot doesn't hold water, the performances it has are very standard and the directing is nonexistent. At times nice camerawork does not save this movie, when the plot is something you've read a thousand times before. I have no idea what it is doing on a list like this, because it is a very average movie. It's not bad per se, but it's not good. It's not outstanding on any way, and it's not all that influential. All it has going for itself is von Stroheim's performance, and even that gets watered down. Bleh.
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Released Yes

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Created 2013-09-23 05:45 pm
Page creator Halcyon Spirit
Views 196
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