Magnifying glass User Average Score

6.0 Not bad
Rated by 3 people
  • 8 months ago
    I didn't expect much tbh, I know nobody ever talks about this as one of the great driving films but I was still left disappointed. The racing is awful, they do that fast and furious thing where a simple gear change will boost them just ahead of the car in front. The acting is pretty bad. The story is, well.... I'm not even sure there is a story!

    The only good thing about this film is the hot chick in the terrible love triangle, she's very nice to look at.

    It's kind of TV quality, certainly not big money Sylvester Stallone film quality.
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Alternative Names

Corrida Alucinante P
Driven d E
Formule! C
Wyscig P
Гонщик R
À toute vitesse (CAN)
and 9 more

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-09-01 09:26 pm
Page creator WoodrowShigeru
Views 308
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