• Doubleagent wrote his opinion about Shaman King
    9 years ago
    It's #Fate/Zero for kids!... No seriously.

    This one is underrated, story follows #Yoh Asakura as he attempts to become the titular #Shaman King. Why you ask? It is for fame? Power? Riches? No, it's because he is a lazy fuck and wants to become the most powerful shaman so he can sit on his ass all day and do nothing. This is perhaps one of the most admirable motivations a protagonist has ever had.

    Being a shaman is your usual action shounen affair; you have silly hair, shout the names of your attacks and have to constantly suppress the urge to say "This isn't even my final form!" whenever you battle.

    The humor is top notch for this kind of show and the surf rock style music is great. (I like #Nantoka Narusa and while It's not one of the surf styled ones #Himeta Omoi is up there as well.)

    This one comes from the 4Kids lost age of dubbing so avoid the dub at all costs, it's heavily watered down. (They even stripped out all the music.)
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … This show as awesome as fuck! The manga is great too, but you need to read the Kabenzai edition in order to not get the worst ending in the history of bad endings
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    • Doubleagent
      Editing … I've been on the lookout for the manga for a while now, totally something im going to read. (I know I could read it online but I prefer physical books, assuming that the version you are talking about got a decent translation?)
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Not sure, I THINK it does. I own the first volume of the normal edition in Portuguese though. It only really matters for the last volumes though.
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Created 2013-06-24 08:57 pm
Page creator Doubleagent
Views 677
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