Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.0 Good
Rated by 2 people
  • 3 weeks ago
    Overall, I enjoyed it. I found some character decisions weird – like having sex in a garage right next to a street and leaving the door wide open, just to name one example. But otherwise, it's interesting to see a Blade-Runner-esque vision of what Berlin might look like.
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  • 6 years ago
    Mute is the film Duncan Jones has wanted to make since his successful debut Moon, and the results couldn't be more disastrous. To put it bluntly, this film is a fucking mess. It lacks a point, it lacks direction, and because of this (and many other things) the film becomes a two hour fucking slog to sit through. It setting is lifted wholesale from Blade Runner but with a bit more color/childish design, which, by the way, Duncan Jones does absolutely nothing with. Character motivation ranges from either nonexistent to utterly baffling, especially when the film starts "pulling back the curtains" in its final act (stupid doesn't even begin to describe some of these characters motivation's well enough). Jones's directing choice is reminiscent of those early 2000s British gangster/crime dramas that the likes of Guy Ritchie were making (think Snatch) and dear god is is just an awful choice of style. There's not enough fucking characters (or colorful/interesting or ones you can be bothered to care about) to support such a style. The film has a total of 3-4 important characters and it's frustrating as all hell to watch this film jump back and forth between these seemingly unrelated characters. This thing's a fucking shit show through and through. In what's suppose to be a comeback and a victory lap for Duncan Jones after flopping with Warcraft ends up being a showcase of a director in the midst of a crisis.
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Created 2017-11-03 01:16 am
Page creator Ryan Thorp
Views 159
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