• 4 months ago
    So I watched this the other night with family. My thoughts are pretty simple. I thought it was a decently well-acted film, with some fun numbers, and had a great visual style reminiscent of the earlier film. Those were the good things about it. But on the whole I had big issues with the writing. It all felt rather contrived and didn't really fit with the setting as I understood it, and generally felt pretty undercooked. There was no dramatic tension, which is always a danger with a prequel where you know what happens later, but that can be overcome by making the story you're telling compelling in other ways. In the end I went into this movie thinking it was something that I didn't need and probably didn't need to be made, but hoping to be proven wrong. By the end I felt like I was still right. I don't regret watching the movie but I didn't need to see it and I'm glad I didn't pay money for it (we watched in on streaming).

    4.5/10- some enjoyable aspects, but overall not a good watch
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  • 7 years ago
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Created 2016-11-06 01:08 pm
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