Magnifying glass User Average Score

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  • 7 years ago
    I am not going to rate 'Who Killed Captain Alex?', because whatever numerical score I give would be unfair.
    From an objective standpoint, considering the conventions and language of film, it is not good. The cinematography is flat; the editing is choppy; the structure leaves a lot to be desired, and at the end of the film, I could only name one of the characters.
    What this film does have is an endearing quality that cannot be described; time and passion have been poured into this movie and its shows in every frame. From the excitable ‘Video Joker’, commentating on the action to the heartfelt message from director Nabwana I.G.G. after the credits, you can tell that this was made by people who love what they are doing.
    There are some parts of the film that are genuinely good too. The villain is threatening and has a clear motivation, allowing the viewer to empathise with him and understand his plight for vengeance (you could even draw parallels between this character and Captain Alex’s brother’s arc). Furthermore, the script features some wonderful lines, with my favourite being the use of, “Diarrhea squirt”, as an insult. This is all bolstered with action that, although poorly shot, is more engaging than half of the rapid-cutting nonsense found in modern Hollywood.
    Ultimately, 'Who Killed Captain Alex?' is incomparable to any other film because the circumstances surrounding its production are so exceptional. I implore you to read up on the background surrounding the studio and then watch for yourself. Maybe even donate a little money to help them continue their work. I know I will.
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Created 2017-03-06 10:42 pm
Page creator Harraseda
Views 315
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