Magnifying glass User Average Score

6.4 Not bad
Rated by 6 people
  • Filly Vanilli wrote her opinion about What About Bob?
    7 years ago
    Man, this was a weird one. The first half hour seems really ableist because a lot of humor seems to be derived from the guy's mental illness. "Ha ha, this guy is so anxious and terrified of things I'm NOT anxious and terrified of! Mentally ill people are such burdens on society! This is the height of comedy!" It does get better later, with Leo's family recognizing Bob's humanity and worth. The tension between Leo and Bob just gets progressively more and more outrageous and never reaches a real resolution. But it was funny for the most part, I'll give it that.
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … This movie is actually a childhood favorite of mine, but I get a weird feeling that if I saw it for the first time now I might hate it.
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Alternative Names

Quoi de neuf, Bob ? F
What About Bob? d o E

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-05-09 02:13 am
Page creator MyFavIsMe
Views 480
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