• 1 year ago
    So this former myth has actually been released, is at top of my wishlist but no full prize purchase ever with the Paradox Interactive (PI) dlc policy (expect about 30 of them in five years). Back to the game as much i want to play VIC3 i am shocked about the current state, yes i am aware it is a released PI game so 'bugs' similar common like in Staship Troopers (should rewatch that) is expected by default. After watching VIC3 videos about beeing discouraged is an understatement. So the economy system looks complex and well thought but sadly seem to be a hell of a clickfest as alone all seetings are set to default then a territory is annexed i mean integrated into your empire. Research seems kind of uninteresting, saw some obvious choices so far got the impression default research speed for all countries. Trade agreements are told to be at random values and buggy, well would avoid them thenever possible anyway. Espionage not seen yet, good lord that is a plus a mechanic i ignore as much i can. Diplomacy system looks good having potential imo, but told to be completly unbalanced mess. Next theme military is nonexistent no units available to build, a number (land and naval) is a menu shown which will fight in a war. War mechanic is a shame, barely any chance to influence the outcome at all with these fronts, battle appear at random with also random amount of forces with malus /bonus values. So far this is the worst [just no 'annoying brats' this is not an economy simulator this grand strategy a decent war mechanic has to be expected] having no controll about anything, some randomness might decide that you loose /capitulate despite beeing way superior. Politics like changing your gouvernement system and laws is great and bad at the same time. Interest groups are pretty well displayed (though almost same in any country) so interesting choices to select gouverment but getting new laws done is completly random, basically just roll a dice. Last but not least historicallity in a game set from 1836 to 1936... barely existing. Historical events are mostly leftout, historical personalities (then exist quickly dying) often lacking getting generic dudes instead which will live forever.
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Created 2018-09-24 05:17 pm
Page creator Sudertum
Views 87
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