Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.0 Good
Rated by 2 people
  • 6 years ago
    I find it remarkable that Luc Besson can be in his field for as along as he has been yet is still utterly incapable of telling a worth wild story of any description. I haven't seen everything the man has done so please if you believe me to be wrong point me in the right direction, cause honestly don't think the man is fucking capable of it. It's like he's given the bullet points to the outlines of the screenplays that he probably never reads and then just builds scenes around them (which I find to be quite the achievement seeing that he writes the fucking things most of the time). Valerian is no different. It can be best described as a cycle of a) characters need to do this to advance to the next point/ b) they do it / c) move to the next point. The whole movie feels like a series of just getting to the next plot point as unceremoniously as possible. There's no style to found or risk to be take, because in both directing & writing Besson's style can be best described as mechanical. Outside of having an eye for visual flair the man's fucking boring with really no distinguishable characteristics that make him an individual; he just comes off as just another cog that keeps the Hollywood machine turning. The supporting characters are flat and one-dimensional, our two hero's are annoying sarcastic shit heads that come off as individuals who've spent way too much time looking at memes; They're not as funny as Besson thinks they are. Nothing about Valerian is "fun", it's is a mediocre experience that does barely enough to be considered downright terrible in my eyes.

    Also, just as a side note, what casting director thought it was okay to pair DeHann & Delevingne as love interests? On screen they look like they can be brother and sister ffs.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Haven't seen Valerian, but the only thing that's kept me from calling Besson a hack director is that I haven't seen Leon. Doesn't seem right to criticize his inability to direct if I haven't seen his most noteworthy film.
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    • Ryan Thorp
      Ryan Thorp
      Editing … Yeah I thought about that cause I'm in the same boat, but really one early film cannot change all that much. I liked The Rock, doesn't change the fact that I despise Micheal Bay. I like early John Woo, doesn't change the fact that I think that his Hollywood career is pretty mediocre in comparison. Maybe it's best to say Besson was somewhat artistic and had somewhat of a vision early but post The Fifth Element has just been arguably a dumpster fire. Early on he may not of been a hack but he has certainly evolved into one.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Saw Valerian in cinema, scifi part feels beeing rushed and the romance part stretched. Overall decent flick, but imo kind of disappointing for a Luc Besson work. From my view he told his five kids with this flick that he waiting to become grandfather.
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Alternative Names

Valerian – Die Stadt der tausend Planeten G
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets d E
Valérian et la Cité des mille planètes o F

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2016-11-22 11:13 am
Page creator Fincher
Views 341
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