Magnifying glass User Average Score

9.0 Fantastic
Rated by 1 person
  • 7 years ago
    Stupid addictive business sims... I have started up my own company in the New York area and it is just bleeding money, hopefully I can reverse this trend if I keep getting sponsors and my biggest stars don't get poached by any of the big companies.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Meanwhile I'm writing a feud where Kevin Owens beats the fuck out of the Powerpuff Girls and everyone hates me. Also, I think Sami Zain is hitting on Blossom.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Sign nodley and women will watch every fight.
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    • Erektionsite
      Editing … I should totally make Nodley a character in my game, he will hit on American ladies and insult fat Americans. He will be a British #Rick Rude!
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    • Erektionsite
      Editing … Also, I think Sami might get a visit from the police soon..
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  • 7 years ago
    My first impressions after playing the demo is that is far more beginner-friendly than #Total Extreme Wrestling 2013, all the gameplay mechanics are explained very carefully and the player has the option to deactivate most of the more challenging mechanics, thus making it possible to set up the game according to your own preferences. Also of note is that the very flawed gimmick system from the last game has been overhauled here, making it possible to tweak and breathe new life into the same gimmick over the course of the game, making it possible to properly simulate a long-running gimmick such as #The Undertaker or Kane, something that was impossible before.

    You also have more options when booking your shows as well, if you have a shitty wrestler with tons of charisma and a willingnes to break his spine infront of 20 people in a shitty highschool gym you can now put him in a chaotic hardcore match that match his specific skills, thus giving him a use on your show, despite his lack of wrestling talent. There are tons of other stuff that makes this a great addition to the series but I won't list them all. It's a fucking great game tho.
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  • 7 years ago
    The public beta/demo is now up for release! :D
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Game Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2016-01-11 12:01 pm
Page creator Erektionsite
Views 753
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