Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.0 Great
Rated by 3 people
  • Alive N. Dying wrote his opinion about Time Hollow
    9 years ago
    This game has a unique charm about it, at least that I've come across in my time playing video games. Now, I've played my fair share of titles with anime or other Japanese influences, but for some inexplicable reason, this one grabbed me and refused to let me go. But no game is perfect, with this one being no exception. The game is rather short on a whole, and the story has the feeling of an school essay in that it starts off well and feels really polished, and ends a bit rushed like they're exited to finish already. Some of the things the game has you do are rather roundabout and I found myself referring to a walkthrough more than once. The game has a case of railroading the dialogue. But besides this, I found myself quite loving the ga
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Game Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 724
  • Gameplay Footage
Listed in, list of Lists as cards
Wide-tile list of VG-level Pages.
Wide-tile list of character Pages.
Simple text.