• 2 years ago
    Finally found. A copy of this secondhand the other day and got to play it with my brother and sister last night. It's as good as they've been saying for years. Lots of different strategies you can take to approach the game. Lot of risk and reward aspects and it's finite enough that a playthrough doesn't take forever. Really glad with this purchase, it's gonna be in the board game rotation for years to come.
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Alternative Names

Aventureros al Tren S
Les Aventuriers du Rail F
Ticket to Ride d E
Zug um Zug G
Билет на поезд R
乗車券 J
and 2 more

Page Info

Created 2014-01-28 12:10 pm
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 387
Listed in, list of Lists as cards
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