Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.5 Fantastic
Rated by 11 people
  • Wrl6199 wrote his opinion about The Wrestler
    9 years ago
    Mickey Rourke, award nominee (and those awards aren't Razzies)? Call it the year of the comeback. There's not a single misstep in Darren Aronofsky's drama about an over-the-hill pro wrestler who just can't get it right. Randy "the Ram" Robinson shows flashes of warmth and empathy, but then just as quickly sabotages his own efforts to turn things around. Marisa Tomei, as a stripper and his sort-of girlfriend, and Evan Rachel Wood as the daughter who's been burned one too many times, round out the incredible performances.
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Alternative Names

The Wrestler - Ruhm, Liebe, Schmerz (DE)

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-07-08 09:45 am
Page creator Pudding
Views 759
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