Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.3 Good
Rated by 6 people
  • 1 year ago
    Absolutely preposterous movie. I have never seen so much ridiculousness in all my life. A 7ft man with metal teeth thst can dive out a moving train window and just stand up and a car that's also a submarine!

    I love it, Bond got right back on track with this one! I still don't think Roger Moore is a good Bond but the movie with it's villains and gadgets is really good fun.
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Alternative Names

James Bond 007 - Der Spion, der mich liebte G
L'Espion qui m'aimait F
The Spy Who Loved Me d o E

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-06-09 09:59 pm
Page creator WoodrowShigeru
Views 624
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