• 4 months ago
    This is such a well-shot movie, with a score that really effectively builds suspense and hints at the cerebral mystery lying beneath the protagonist's reality. This presentation just about perfectly communicates that viewers are in for a mind-bending experience.

    The acting is all over the place, sometimes just lousy, sometimes insanely stiff, at times to the point that it almost seems intentional, but to what effect? The dialogue is bafflingly awful, I don't think anyone could deliver it well. The plot is ridiculously stupid to its core. It's a folk horror sci-fi mystery that wants to be a slow burning dramatic experience, but it comes off more like something Neil Breen would make if he had a higher budget. It's like the writer wanted the viewer to put together a puzzle, but rather than cut a puzzle out of a completed image, he cut various shapes that looked like puzzle pieces, but could never fit together. What a beautifully atrocious mess. I don't think I've ever come out of a bad movie feeling so good. It was such an amazing, hilarious experience, and I'm just bewildered that the film's aesthetics were at such odds with the actual storytelling. Absolutely amazing.
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