Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.0 Great
Rated by 11 people
  • Ulty wrote his opinion about The Neverending Story
    7 years ago
    Really good movie, wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did.

    The one thing about this movie that literally blew me away, watching it for the first time in plain 2016, was the special effects. They look phenomenal, thanks to some amazing use of practical effects and animatronics to really bring these characters to life and make us feel that they're really there. I can only imagine what people thought of the effects back in 1984.

    The plot and characters are nice, nothing great but they do the job. The strong point was the underlying theme of imagination, easy to spot but still very effective and fit right in. The nitpicker in me had to complain about a few things of course, like the whole movie would've never happened if Bastian stopped to hide form the bullies just next door from that weird dude's library. And i'm sorry for the spoiler, but his mom was called Moon Child? I know this because when he found out the princess needed a name he said his Mom had a beautiful name in that same scene, so i'm assuming that's what she was called...Moon Child? Who the fuck names his kid Moon Child?!

    Anyway, minor grips aside, it's a classic of the genre and very enjoyable in this day and age.
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  • 9 years ago
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    • benace75
      Editing … I'm planning on seeing that movie with my cousin. :) He's really into movies and keeps telling me that I need to see it with him.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I still feel sad remembering a particular scene in this movie :'( *sob* Fantastic film though!!
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … you can actually ride on the original Fuchur (the flying dragon thing) from the movie if you ever visit the Bavaria Film Studios in Munich :)
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Alternative Names

Die unendliche Geschichte o G
L'Histoire sans fin F
The Neverending Story d E

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-04-28 05:19 pm
Page creator Julie Badiane
Views 1,015
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