• WoodrowShigeru wrote his opinion about The Mentalist
    7 years ago
    #spoiler free, #german dub

    "The Mentalist" is about a charming, money-making, pretend-to-be-able-to-talk-to-ghosts fraud who lost his beloved wife and daughter to a serial killer; and now he's counselling the Californian police, in hopes of finding the criminal and exacting vengeance.

    I like and appreciate at lot how this show does several things so unconventionally. Questions may arise to any common viewer, like "When would you end the story?", "How do you portray a villain?" or "How much would you let Patrick get away with?" (if you were in a position to … yadda yadda yadda)

    It has plenty of the traits that any good crime TV show has. For example a group of non-generic, distinct characters – who you may not sympathize with but they're interesting, nonetheless. And they become even more interesting with each new season, since there's *quite* the overarching development going on there – in the story as well. […]
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … […] There are returning characters, sometimes surprisingly. There's a lot of crime-procedural…ing. There's a certain respect for the viewer. There's humor, too; it's not a comedy show, but I still laughed a lot. […]
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … […] And there's the charme! Especially in the German version, that main character is *such* a charmer. Sweet soft voice, always wears neat clothes, has a kind personality, drinks tea, is mentally so incredibly stable and healthy … I have so much sympathy for this fictional character, it is unbelievable. […]
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … […] It has had its ups and downs, like any other show, with episodes both good and bad. But even so, overall I was *very* satisfied. There were few bad episodes, imo. The subconscious psychology, cold reading aspect was right up my alley. And it's a show that knows when to stahp (im looking at you, Simpsons).
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Alternative Names

Le Mentaliste F
Mentalist F
The Mentalist d o E

Page Info

Created 2013-05-01 06:08 pm
Page creator WoodrowShigeru
Views 748
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