Magnifying glass User Average Score

6.8 Good
Rated by 17 people
  • Ulty wrote his opinion about The Matrix Revolutions
    10 years ago
    Massively underatted film, and to be honest I really don't understand why. It continued Reloaded pretty much flawlessly, and ended the trilogy in such a masterful way it's difficult to describe how great it was. But the Watchowski's still managed to make a very solid sci-fi film, that's leagues better than others of it's time. Characters feel more human now, doubts become clearer, new questions are put to interpretation, resolutions are made, and all of this is done so well in conjunction with all the action it's difficult to understand how it got so much hate. My favorite film of all time, and honestly, one of the greatest of it's generation!
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Alternative Names

La Matrice Révolutions F
Matrix Revolutions F
The Matrix Revolutions d o E

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 1,447
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