Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.7 Fantastic
Rated by 3 people
  • Dr Eggnog wrote his opinion about The Little Prince
    7 years ago
    Just saw this. Very strange. I loved the main character visually. Generally the look for the "normal" parts of the movie was over the top good. The themes were great, though they were hammered in hard. Sometimes it could feel a bit TOO emotional, like it could have used more humor. But I got the feels and was satisfied. Sometimes I was annoyed when it would cut away to the little prince because I was liking the story with the little girl and her mom and the old man so much more, but it all tied together in an interesting way. It was almost like three movies woven together. Overall very interesting. Ranked it as my 85th favorite movie.
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Alternative Names

Le Petit Prince o F
The Little Prince d E

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2014-11-09 05:54 pm
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 555
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