Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.0 Great
Rated by 17 people
  • Dr Eggnog wrote his opinion about The Land Before Time
    7 years ago
    I saw this (and its sequels) many times when I was little, but back then, I couldn't fully appreciate the majesty of the animation. The directing is fantastic. Each of the five really feel like they have their own perspective of the world, pulled off with great camera angles and body language. The story and cast of characters are timeless and nostalgic. The transitions between scenes can be a little awkward, as minutes were cut from the film to keep it from scarring kids, and it's short, but it has that beautiful fuzzy VHS quality I love. I'm happy I went back to this. It has held up beyond belief.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … There are like twenty of these movies, aren't there? They just keep on churning them out since the early seventies or something.
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … The first movie was late eighties, but yeah there were more than ten sequels. I saw up through X. I dunno if I'd still like any of those. They're probably pretty cruddy.
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    • Retro Wolf
      Retro Wolf
      Editing … The first film was directed by Don Bluth, who is an incredibly talented guy. I would recommend watching secret of NIMH, also directed by him. It holds a special place in my heart right next to land before time.
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … I've seen NIMH. I liked it alright and gave it a 7 but I wouldn't watch it again. Of course, unlike TLBT I never saw it as a kid.
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  • 8 years ago
    Copy pasted from Youtube comment: Judith Eva Barsi, the voice of Ducky. She was Anne-Marie in All Dogs Go to Heaven, too. Both movies were released after her death. She was only 10-years-old.

    Her success made her father extremely jealous, paranoid and abusive to the point when he routinely threatened to kill his family. His abuse caused a lot of physical and emotional trauma on Judith, to the point she developed many psychological disorders. He reportedly did many things to keep her and her mother from leaving him.

    On the evening of July 25, 1988, her father shot her in the head while she was sleeping, and then did the same to her mother, Maria. Two days after he spent wandering the house he was on the phone talking to Judith's agent and told them that he intended to move out, and needed time to "say goodbye to my little girl," first. He then poured gasoline on the bodies and set them on fire. After burning the bodies, he went to the garage and committed suicide.

    RIP, Judith Eva Barsi.
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    • Erektionsite
      Editing … That whole situation is so depressing and sad. I wonder what she would be doing today if things turned out for the better.
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  • benace75 wrote his opinion about The Land Before Time
    9 years ago
    The nostalgia. <3
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Alternative Names

In einem Land vor unserer Zeit G
Le Petit Dinosaure et la Vallée des merveilles F
Petit-Pied, le dinosaure F
The Land Before Time d o E

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-09-10 12:57 pm
Page creator Cecilia Lisbon
Views 1,302
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