Magnifying glass User Average Score

4.1 Meh
Rated by 7 people
  • 11 months ago
    I come back to this page only to find out that I rated this a 6/10. However, I vividly remember that this movie sucked, so I'm somewhat surprised at this rating. I watched it again and it really is the worst of the movies so far. The special effects are absolutely laughable; they are unbelievably bad - WAY worse than in any other Final Destination movie before! Also the focus on 3D is so "on the nose" (back when this movie came out, 3D TV's were all the rage) that it gets annoying. The ways in which people die get increasingly goofy, which makes it hard to take seriously. Also, there is an unnecessary sex scene, so I automatically deduct points for that. The previous movies did not have to rely on that. However, if you are absolutely drunk and watch the 3D version of this movie, then you will probably have a blast. But as it stands, it's really weak compared to every other Final Destination movie before. I have corrected my rating from a 6/10 to a 4.5/10.
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Alternative Names

Final Destination 4

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-12-13 08:17 am
Page creator MasterCrash
Views 464
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