Magnifying glass User Average Score

1.5 Terrible
Rated by 2 people
  • 9 years ago
    I was already getting sick of found footage flicks by the time this one came around, but this one ensured that I would never pay to see another one - The ending is downright insulting. The sub-genre has been milked to the very last drop, as I'm certain that the best that the genre has to offer has already been made.
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  • Calvin Atkinson wrote his opinion about The Devil Inside
    9 years ago
    i hate exorcism movies and have lost all patience for found footage movies and this was the worst example of both and was a movie that made me feel unclean after reluctantly watching it
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2014-06-10 03:51 pm
Page creator Calvin Atkinson
Views 383
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