Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.2 Great
Rated by 14 people
  • 8 years ago
    Escape from Butcher Bay shines the most when it has you lurking in the dark and screams the most in its quieter moments while you're just standing still and simply listening, soaking up the dark atmosphere. While it didn't make a big splash sales-wise, its influence can be seen across many games that followed it. Rare few have surpassed its strengths though.
    Pros: Riddick, bold game design, brutal hand-to-hand combat, superb stealth, well realized and interconnected world, the element of choice is woven well into the game's design, superb sound effects, technical marvel at the time of release that stood the test of time because of its strong visual style, great voice acting and writing, superb atmosphere, animation and neat details deepen immersion, showed how licensed games should be made, solid shooting...
    Cons: ... but it isn't strong enough to carry the shooting-heavy sections, uneven pacing, dumb AI, PC version suffers from some technical issues
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Released Yes

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Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 1,626
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