Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.9 Great
Rated by 12 people
  • Dr Eggnog wrote his opinion about The Babadook
    8 years ago
    This is a movie where I really feel for the characters and even teared up a bit. Around the middle of the movie, I was the most creeped out I had been in a while. The movie was so tense I felt paralyzed, and was actually considering a 10/10 considering how into it I was. I also love the way it does music cuts. But I think it may have gotten tense a little too early because eventually it wore off and there were still 40 minutes of screaming and weird noises left. Still really good.
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  • MasterCrash wrote his opinion about The Babadook
    9 years ago
    The Babadook himself as well as a couple scenes in this movie are some of the creepiest I've ever seen.
    But the ridiculous ending and the fact that the kid is annoying beyond limits makes me take a bit of the grade.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … The kid is supposed to be annoying, and he's a brilliant actor for a young kid. I agree with your score although I added a bit of a grade for the kid :)
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Yeah, but I don't think he was supposed to be so annoying to me as he was. I was like "KILL HIM! KILL THE FUCKING KID!" the entire movie :I
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  • Ulty wrote his opinion about The Babadook
    9 years ago
    Really good horror movie, which could've achieved greatness if the symbolism fit better with the plot.

    This movie, thankfully, doesn't rely on cheap jump scares to freak you out or set it's tone. This movie is legitimely scary at times, and it has a very effective atmosphere of dread and madness. The characters go through alot in this movie, and what makes this movie so effective is the fact you actually care for these people. Finally, a horror movie in which I can say I actually gave a shit about the people in it!

    There were some questionable decisions, specially regarding some of the sound design. It's normally effective, but some sound effects seem really out of place. The "monster" is brilliantly written, the metaphorical meaning behind it is beautifully done. But by the end you start wondering if whatever happened made any sense whatsoever, symbolism is important but incorporation is essential as well.

    Overall, really good. Horror fans, we've got a winner here!
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2014-09-03 07:34 pm
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 963
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