Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.1 Good
Rated by 5 people
  • DJ_JJSlider wrote his opinion about Super Scribblenauts
    10 years ago
    Super Scribblenauts has a fantastic sandbox system that lets people create any weapon, vehicle or thing that they want. The Super version vastly improved the control system for the better. The game still carries some ugly glitches, but I still love all the objects that I can create.

    The iOS version expands even further into the world by adding new levels and objects to create. There's no better game to create redcoats and zombies with only a few keystrokes.
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  • WoodrowShigeru wrote his opinion about Super Scribblenauts
    10 years ago
    "Super Scribblenauts" is a 2D side-scrolling puzzle game where you have to create in-game tools, characters and all sorts of objects by typing words. Really, it's that simple! And now, as the "Super" sequel, now with adjectives! There are a *ton* of solutions for each level, and the game even encourages re-doing the levels with a different solution – until you realize that the game will count some of your ingenious ideas as a mere synonym for something you already used. It's doing so because it's trying to enforce outside-the-box-thinking, though, that can turn into a shot into the game's own foot if you happen to come up with an object that way which solves almost every level.

    I'd say the game's not just for kids with extraordinarily clever game design like that, but the graphics & puzzle/level designs are very much catered to kids. Game's short, too! Disappointingly short. And the music is overly repetitive and quite annoying.
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  • Big Boss wrote his opinion about Super Scribblenauts
    10 years ago
    Very cool concept, despite the occasionally finicky control and a bit repetitive the hook isn't simply being able to solve the puzzles but how many solutions you can think of.
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Game Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 640
  • Gameplay Footage
Listed in, list of Lists as cards
Wide-tile list of VG-level Pages.
Wide-tile list of character Pages.
Simple text.