• 9 years ago
    Wow, it sucks when you find out people you previously thought were awesome are actually not so awesome. ><

    Says that women can't do X and men can't do Y, thinks gay men aren't 'real men', thinks men and women can't be friends and actually said, "if we evolved from monkeys why we still got monkeys" as a serious comment! Sounds like you're a bit of a sexist, homophobic idiot Steve.

    At least it's not as bad as the time I found out Will Smith is a scientology fanboy...
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … Yup, he's hilarious on Family Feud but he's a terrible person, I always gag every time he pitches his "Act Like a Lady, Think Like A Man" book too. That was my first clue he was a sexist. Plus I believe he's faced charges of child abuse.
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    • Doubleagent
      Editing … Just looked into it briefly and those were dropped. Still a scumbag based on his above views though. I've also just looked up that book and I'm gagging right there with you, what a load of tripe.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … (Just because the charges were dropped doesn't necessarily mean he didn't/doesn't do it)
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    • Doubleagent
      Editing … Yes I know, it's not a perfect world and celebrities especially can avoid charges for things that they actually did. I don't want to live in a world where people can be accused of things, found innocent and then treated like criminals anyway though. I know we aren't celebrities but if someone could just claim you did something and brand you a criminal for life that would be terrible. Crimes have to be investigated regardless of if you are innocent or not. Being investigated should not be a crime, being a sexist idiot is one thing but it's quite the jump to go from that to abuses children.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … Right, but I'm not saying he definitely DID do it. But I'm not going to automatically assume he's innocent, either, because I'm not naive enough to think the justice system is infallible. Just the fact that he was charged warrants a degree of side eye, especially given his sexism and homophobia, which leads me to easily be able to envision a scenario where his son wasn't being "manly" enough and ended up being abused because of it, or something. Besides, realistically, he's a celebrity and we're two random nobodies on the internet. It's not like anything we say about him is going to hurt or help his reputation in the grand scheme of things, unlike if we were talking about a co-worker or something.
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Created 2014-09-21 03:55 am
Page creator Filly Vanilli
Views 492
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