Magnifying glass User Average Score

4.8 Average
Rated by 9 people
  • Husky Wing wrote his opinion about Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    8 years ago
    On what backwards planet is this a "Star Wars" movie?
    They didn't even use Star Wars music! Though, I will admit, the soundtrack wasn't all that bad.

    Yikes, that animation though. Even #Foodfight! did better than this. The facial animations match that of the original #Deus Ex. I choreographed better fight scenes with my toy lightsabers when I was eight. This is what happens when you try to make a big animated movie with a budget of $8.5 million!

    On the plus side, the artstyle for the environments and non-human characters are pretty nice, with pretty textures straight out of a painting.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … I haven't seen the film but I've seen a few episodes of the Clone Wars show and they were surprisingly good considering I don't like the SW films that much.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I'm five episodes into the show. It's not great, but... it's better than the movie, I guess?
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  • JPLKING wrote his opinion about Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    8 years ago
    A pointless film that would lead to a pretty good show. It can have some fun moments but by the end you'll question it's existence. Anakin and Ahsoka's relationship in the film is pretty stereotypical and would be improved in the show. Animation isn't very good and, again, would be improved in the show's later seasons. A story involving the Hutts that doesn't contribute much. In the end, the film exists only to introduce characters and ideas that would be explored and made better in the show that spawned from it.
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  • Nodley wrote his opinion about Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    10 years ago
    I watched this last night, it's pretty good for a cartoon. The story is good and I liked the banter between Anakin and Ahsoka. Only Obi-wans voice put me off, he just doesn't sound right.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … What a difference a definite article makes. 'THE clone wars' is miles better than the 'clone wars' series
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Alternative Names

Star Wars : La Guerre des clones

Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2013-08-24 11:05 am
Page creator Nodley
Views 704
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