Magnifying glass User Average Score

5.0 Average
Rated by 19 people
  • DJ_JJSlider wrote his opinion about Spider-Man 3
    6 years ago
    No, this wasn't the worst movie of all time, but man, it was weird. Spider-Man 3 introduced "emo" Peter Parker. It also included a creepy romance scene between Mary Jane and Harry Osborn with cheesy smiling, cooking in the kitchen and dancing to "The Twist"? And...lots of romantic cheating. Geez. Near the end, Spider-Man killed Venom by playing music with some construction pipe. It was an anti-climactic ending that nearly killed all hope for continuing the Spider-Man franchise.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … In response to this not being the worst movie of all time: honestly, it might just be the *best*. Right?
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … I guess the *best* of the worst? I mean, that's just as bad. Lol. I was actually considering taking this off my list, but I did watch it again. I liked it when I first watched it, but I guess I was paying more attention to the cool sound effects. Sometimes the worst movies become memorable for all the wrong reasons. Freaking emo Peter Parker...
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … Someday I might change my opinion, but I really think the whole story gets weird. The scriptwriters honestly ran out of ideas after Mary Jane knew who Spider Man was, so the story just added in romantic cheating or something? Sigh. I guess I'm the REAL emo Peter Parker.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … But when you think about it... emo Peter Parker might actually be the *best* character in cinema. Right?
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … "think about it" is the worst argument for anything so it pains me to even use it for a joke :(
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  • Dr Eggnog wrote his opinion about Spider-Man 3
    8 years ago
    This is a melodramatic, overstuffed clusterfuck, but occasionally I like those. Also I was 13. :/ SM3 has my favorite action of any movie. I really like the effects for both the battles and Sandman's birth. The beginning of the movie is cheesy, but that just makes me want things to get messed up, which they do. The pacing is fast and has a lot of mood whiplash but I always follow it fine and it never loses me. I find the jazz club dance really cool and love the dramatic tone shift at the end of it. Emo Peter makes a lot of sense to me because I consider the dark side of a nerd to be emo, not badass. Peter's too much of a dork to be cool bad, but his actions are still dramatic and destructive to those around him. This is simultaneously the most dark and looney of the three movies, and that somehow works for me.
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  • 8 years ago
    "I hate sand. It's coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere. Also, it killed my uncle" - Peter Parker, probably
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  • Siobhan :) wrote her opinion about Spider-Man 3
    9 years ago
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  • Nodley wrote his opinion about Spider-Man 3
    10 years ago
    Ok to pass an afternoon I guess, I wouldn't recommend it though.
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Created 2013-08-11 02:19 pm
Page creator Dr Eggnog
Views 1,023
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