Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.8 Fantastic
Rated by 5 people
  • 8 years ago
    Made by the same team who worked on The Secret of Kells and is supposed to be even better! I really want to see this when I get a chance and you guys should check it out too!
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  • Ulty wrote his opinion about Song of the Sea
    8 years ago
    Really good movie, was impressed on how effective it was.

    Although i'm not personally a fan of the art style, the animation is pretty damn good and they do some really gorgeous stuff with it. Performances are nothing special, but serviceable and fitting of the tone and characters. It has a really simple story, but it's simplicity is its greatest strength in my opinion. It doesn't overcomplicate stuff, instead gives you a simple story with a very creative world, likeable characters and a touching theme, and the movie shines in all points. The soundtrack is beautiful as well, probably the best thing about Song of the Sea.

    If you love animation you should watch this movie, plain and simplie!
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Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2015-04-10 10:35 pm
Page creator benace75
Views 532
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