Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.0 Great
Rated by 4 people
  • Sandvich wrote his opinion about Shaun the Sheep Movie
    8 years ago
    This extraordinarily cute and hilarious movie deserves every bit of praise it has received. I'd say it's at least as good as this year's Inside Out. Barely a minute went by where I wasn't smiling. Shaun the Sheep tells its story gracefully without any dialogue, and there was more than one moment that was so sweet I had to pull my partner into a tight embrace. Without a single spoken word the movie manages to communicate a beautiful theme of not taking the people you love for granted. The stop-motion animation is ideal in getting across the cuteness of the whole affair, as are some great tunes written for the movie including "Feels Like Summer." And then there's the humor. The movie manages to be consistently hilarious despite being limited to sight-gags and slapstick. This is no Minions. A few spots near the beginning drag a bit, but by the mid-point everything kicks into high gear and never lets up. You'll be doing yourself a disservice by assuming this movie is mostly for chi
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Alternative Names

Shaun le mouton, le film F
Shaun the Sheep Movie d o E

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2015-07-12 08:42 am
Page creator Jackinator
Views 662
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