Magnifying glass User Average Score

5.5 Not bad
Rated by 1 person
  • MasterCrash wrote his opinion about Resident Evil: Extinction
    9 years ago
    Resident Evil: Extinction, the third movie of a series of 5, I don't know why, as it's clear they should have stopped by the second, is quite the letdown compared to the previous installments.
    What to say about this really? The special effects are bad, the story is kind of a mix between the first Spiderman movie and Alien Resurrection (why, out of all the Alien movies, are you going to rip-off that one?) and with zombies in the mix. Everything is quite boring really.
    I couldn't care for any of the characters, nor the romance. But at least that part I didn't felt bad about it because neither did the movie. Here's the entire romance:
    Two main characters kiss.
    The End.
    There's no build up or follow up, they just kiss. That's fine I guess.
    I will give it to the movie that it actually has some interesting action scenes here and there, but not really that worth. The acting is good enough and I will give cudos to the main theme song, which is by far the best thing in this entire movie.
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Created 2014-09-19 03:33 am
Page creator MasterCrash
Views 254
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