• 8 years ago
    Do you ever think about how misrepresented the post-apocalypse is in entertainment media?
    Because I do.
    I think about it all the time.

    Think about it! What would be the number one resource in a post-apocalyptic wasteland?
    Gasoline? Water? Food?
    As valuable as the latter two may be (and sorry Max, but I imagine gas would lose its value), there's one commodity that would skyrocket in value.
    I often wonder what the most popular drug would be in each wasteland. What if the wasteland was that of the #Mad Max Outback? What if we were living in a winter wasteland? An overgrown urban environment, as seen in games like #The Last of Us? Or a dusty earthquake-prone scenario like #I Am Alive? Hell, maybe we'll fall to the #Zombies!
    Weed wouldn't be the top dog in any of these scenarios, no. We'd all rely on narcotics far more detrimental to our health.
    Alcohol could be quite valuable, but somehow I picture meth and heroin on top.
    Imagine-- anyone capable of manufacturing such goods would become a warlord! Beware the fiend, the methlord Heisenberg!

    Another thing media often forgets is that most survivors would probably find a hobby to keep them from dying of boredom. Sure, you've gotta survive, but why does nobody ever just sit down and write, draw, or make some music? You've got all the time in the world to practice!

    Oh, and sex. #A Boy and His Dog was onto something there. We'll all become whores, selling our bodies for whichever drug we're personally addicted to.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … So it will be like living in my neighbourhood?
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … why would drugs skyrocket in value? They aren't necessary for survival like food/water/gas. Also without law, drugs would be legal, and therefore wouldn't that drive their price down if anyone was freely able to produce it and sell it?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I think Husky is right. You just have to look around a rough neighbourhood to see, around here there are no jobs so people pass the time drinking and taking drugs. People will want money for those things so prostitution will be everywhere, round here we have a ban in public streets to stop them doing it in gardens etc so kids can see.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Why wouldn't petrol hold its value? It'd be out of production and hence way more scarce and people would want it for vehicles, heaters and generators. In terms of supply and demand if anything its value would go up.. As for drugs, in a world where you're struggling to survive addiction and anything that messes with your mental faculties would leave you vulnerable, I can't imagine anyone into hard drugs lasting as long.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … I agree with Rich's point.While there would be a lot of people taking drugs, they'd probably die pretty quickly, specially since there will be people looking for resources. Water and food would always be more valuable between people who want to live because they're needed.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … When you're alone in the wasteland, you'll treasure that last dose of heroin, Crash. How else will you take the edge off? 8-)
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … If you'd knew me you'd know I pretty much AM drugs. I'd much rather be having sex than drugs, if you ask me.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … I'm a bit worried for Husky now, we'll all be looking for food, water, shelter, medicine, fuel, weapons etc and he'll be setting up a meth lab and expecting to survive.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … You know who was right? Metro. I'd want all the bullets in the world if only so that I'd knew nobody would shoot them against me.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … That sounds like a cunning plan Crash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKRxX3s3JlM
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